/* * Copyright 2018 Paul Stoffregen * Copyright (c) 2010 by Cristian Maglie * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of either the GNU General Public License version 2 * or the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, both as * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ // w5100.h contains private W5x00 hardware "driver" level definitions // which are not meant to be exposed to other libraries or Arduino users #ifndef W5100_H_INCLUDED #define W5100_H_INCLUDED #include #include // Safe for all chips #define SPI_ETHERNET_SETTINGS SPISettings(14000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0) // Safe for W5200 and W5500, but too fast for W5100 // Uncomment this if you know you'll never need W5100 support. // Higher SPI clock only results in faster transfer to hosts on a LAN // or with very low packet latency. With ordinary internet latency, // the TCP window size & packet loss determine your overall speed. //#define SPI_ETHERNET_SETTINGS SPISettings(30000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0) // Require Ethernet.h, because we need MAX_SOCK_NUM #ifndef ethernet_h_ #error "Ethernet.h must be included before w5100.h" #endif // Arduino 101's SPI can not run faster than 8 MHz. #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ARC32) #undef SPI_ETHERNET_SETTINGS #define SPI_ETHERNET_SETTINGS SPISettings(8000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0) #endif // Arduino Zero can't use W5100-based shields faster than 8 MHz // https://github.com/arduino-libraries/Ethernet/issues/37#issuecomment-408036848 // W5500 does seem to work at 12 MHz. Delete this if only using W5500 #if defined(__SAMD21G18A__) #undef SPI_ETHERNET_SETTINGS #define SPI_ETHERNET_SETTINGS SPISettings(8000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0) #endif typedef uint8_t SOCKET; class SnMR { public: static const uint8_t CLOSE = 0x00; static const uint8_t TCP = 0x21; static const uint8_t UDP = 0x02; static const uint8_t IPRAW = 0x03; static const uint8_t MACRAW = 0x04; static const uint8_t PPPOE = 0x05; static const uint8_t ND = 0x20; static const uint8_t MULTI = 0x80; }; enum SockCMD { Sock_OPEN = 0x01, Sock_LISTEN = 0x02, Sock_CONNECT = 0x04, Sock_DISCON = 0x08, Sock_CLOSE = 0x10, Sock_SEND = 0x20, Sock_SEND_MAC = 0x21, Sock_SEND_KEEP = 0x22, Sock_RECV = 0x40 }; class SnIR { public: static const uint8_t SEND_OK = 0x10; static const uint8_t TIMEOUT = 0x08; static const uint8_t RECV = 0x04; static const uint8_t DISCON = 0x02; static const uint8_t CON = 0x01; }; class SnSR { public: static const uint8_t CLOSED = 0x00; static const uint8_t INIT = 0x13; static const uint8_t LISTEN = 0x14; static const uint8_t SYNSENT = 0x15; static const uint8_t SYNRECV = 0x16; static const uint8_t ESTABLISHED = 0x17; static const uint8_t FIN_WAIT = 0x18; static const uint8_t CLOSING = 0x1A; static const uint8_t TIME_WAIT = 0x1B; static const uint8_t CLOSE_WAIT = 0x1C; static const uint8_t LAST_ACK = 0x1D; static const uint8_t UDP = 0x22; static const uint8_t IPRAW = 0x32; static const uint8_t MACRAW = 0x42; static const uint8_t PPPOE = 0x5F; }; class IPPROTO { public: static const uint8_t IP = 0; static const uint8_t ICMP = 1; static const uint8_t IGMP = 2; static const uint8_t GGP = 3; static const uint8_t TCP = 6; static const uint8_t PUP = 12; static const uint8_t UDP = 17; static const uint8_t IDP = 22; static const uint8_t ND = 77; static const uint8_t RAW = 255; }; enum W5100Linkstatus { UNKNOWN, LINK_ON, LINK_OFF }; class W5100Class { public: static uint8_t init(void); inline void setGatewayIp(const uint8_t * addr) { writeGAR(addr); } inline void getGatewayIp(uint8_t * addr) { readGAR(addr); } inline void setSubnetMask(const uint8_t * addr) { writeSUBR(addr); } inline void getSubnetMask(uint8_t * addr) { readSUBR(addr); } inline void setMACAddress(const uint8_t * addr) { writeSHAR(addr); } inline void getMACAddress(uint8_t * addr) { readSHAR(addr); } inline void setIPAddress(const uint8_t * addr) { writeSIPR(addr); } inline void getIPAddress(uint8_t * addr) { readSIPR(addr); } inline void setRetransmissionTime(uint16_t timeout) { writeRTR(timeout); } inline void setRetransmissionCount(uint8_t retry) { writeRCR(retry); } static void execCmdSn(SOCKET s, SockCMD _cmd); // W5100 Registers // --------------- //private: public: static uint16_t write(uint16_t addr, const uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len); static uint8_t write(uint16_t addr, uint8_t data) { return write(addr, &data, 1); } static uint16_t read(uint16_t addr, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len); static uint8_t read(uint16_t addr) { uint8_t data; read(addr, &data, 1); return data; } #define __GP_REGISTER8(name, address) \ static inline void write##name(uint8_t _data) { \ write(address, _data); \ } \ static inline uint8_t read##name() { \ return read(address); \ } #define __GP_REGISTER16(name, address) \ static void write##name(uint16_t _data) { \ uint8_t buf[2]; \ buf[0] = _data >> 8; \ buf[1] = _data & 0xFF; \ write(address, buf, 2); \ } \ static uint16_t read##name() { \ uint8_t buf[2]; \ read(address, buf, 2); \ return (buf[0] << 8) | buf[1]; \ } #define __GP_REGISTER_N(name, address, size) \ static uint16_t write##name(const uint8_t *_buff) { \ return write(address, _buff, size); \ } \ static uint16_t read##name(uint8_t *_buff) { \ return read(address, _buff, size); \ } static W5100Linkstatus getLinkStatus(); public: __GP_REGISTER8 (MR, 0x0000); // Mode __GP_REGISTER_N(GAR, 0x0001, 4); // Gateway IP address __GP_REGISTER_N(SUBR, 0x0005, 4); // Subnet mask address __GP_REGISTER_N(SHAR, 0x0009, 6); // Source MAC address __GP_REGISTER_N(SIPR, 0x000F, 4); // Source IP address __GP_REGISTER8 (IR, 0x0015); // Interrupt __GP_REGISTER8 (IMR, 0x0016); // Interrupt Mask __GP_REGISTER16(RTR, 0x0017); // Timeout address __GP_REGISTER8 (RCR, 0x0019); // Retry count __GP_REGISTER8 (RMSR, 0x001A); // Receive memory size (W5100 only) __GP_REGISTER8 (TMSR, 0x001B); // Transmit memory size (W5100 only) __GP_REGISTER8 (PATR, 0x001C); // Authentication type address in PPPoE mode __GP_REGISTER8 (PTIMER, 0x0028); // PPP LCP Request Timer __GP_REGISTER8 (PMAGIC, 0x0029); // PPP LCP Magic Number __GP_REGISTER_N(UIPR, 0x002A, 4); // Unreachable IP address in UDP mode (W5100 only) __GP_REGISTER16(UPORT, 0x002E); // Unreachable Port address in UDP mode (W5100 only) __GP_REGISTER8 (VERSIONR_W5200,0x001F); // Chip Version Register (W5200 only) __GP_REGISTER8 (VERSIONR_W5500,0x0039); // Chip Version Register (W5500 only) __GP_REGISTER8 (PSTATUS_W5200, 0x0035); // PHY Status __GP_REGISTER8 (PHYCFGR_W5500, 0x002E); // PHY Configuration register, default: 10111xxx #undef __GP_REGISTER8 #undef __GP_REGISTER16 #undef __GP_REGISTER_N // W5100 Socket registers // ---------------------- private: static uint16_t CH_BASE(void) { //if (chip == 55) return 0x1000; //if (chip == 52) return 0x4000; //return 0x0400; return CH_BASE_MSB << 8; } static uint8_t CH_BASE_MSB; // 1 redundant byte, saves ~80 bytes code on AVR static const uint16_t CH_SIZE = 0x0100; static inline uint8_t readSn(SOCKET s, uint16_t addr) { return read(CH_BASE() + s * CH_SIZE + addr); } static inline uint8_t writeSn(SOCKET s, uint16_t addr, uint8_t data) { return write(CH_BASE() + s * CH_SIZE + addr, data); } static inline uint16_t readSn(SOCKET s, uint16_t addr, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len) { return read(CH_BASE() + s * CH_SIZE + addr, buf, len); } static inline uint16_t writeSn(SOCKET s, uint16_t addr, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len) { return write(CH_BASE() + s * CH_SIZE + addr, buf, len); } #define __SOCKET_REGISTER8(name, address) \ static inline void write##name(SOCKET _s, uint8_t _data) { \ writeSn(_s, address, _data); \ } \ static inline uint8_t read##name(SOCKET _s) { \ return readSn(_s, address); \ } #define __SOCKET_REGISTER16(name, address) \ static void write##name(SOCKET _s, uint16_t _data) { \ uint8_t buf[2]; \ buf[0] = _data >> 8; \ buf[1] = _data & 0xFF; \ writeSn(_s, address, buf, 2); \ } \ static uint16_t read##name(SOCKET _s) { \ uint8_t buf[2]; \ readSn(_s, address, buf, 2); \ return (buf[0] << 8) | buf[1]; \ } #define __SOCKET_REGISTER_N(name, address, size) \ static uint16_t write##name(SOCKET _s, uint8_t *_buff) { \ return writeSn(_s, address, _buff, size); \ } \ static uint16_t read##name(SOCKET _s, uint8_t *_buff) { \ return readSn(_s, address, _buff, size); \ } public: __SOCKET_REGISTER8(SnMR, 0x0000) // Mode __SOCKET_REGISTER8(SnCR, 0x0001) // Command __SOCKET_REGISTER8(SnIR, 0x0002) // Interrupt __SOCKET_REGISTER8(SnSR, 0x0003) // Status __SOCKET_REGISTER16(SnPORT, 0x0004) // Source Port __SOCKET_REGISTER_N(SnDHAR, 0x0006, 6) // Destination Hardw Addr __SOCKET_REGISTER_N(SnDIPR, 0x000C, 4) // Destination IP Addr __SOCKET_REGISTER16(SnDPORT, 0x0010) // Destination Port __SOCKET_REGISTER16(SnMSSR, 0x0012) // Max Segment Size __SOCKET_REGISTER8(SnPROTO, 0x0014) // Protocol in IP RAW Mode __SOCKET_REGISTER8(SnTOS, 0x0015) // IP TOS __SOCKET_REGISTER8(SnTTL, 0x0016) // IP TTL __SOCKET_REGISTER8(SnRX_SIZE, 0x001E) // RX Memory Size (W5200 only) __SOCKET_REGISTER8(SnTX_SIZE, 0x001F) // RX Memory Size (W5200 only) __SOCKET_REGISTER16(SnTX_FSR, 0x0020) // TX Free Size __SOCKET_REGISTER16(SnTX_RD, 0x0022) // TX Read Pointer __SOCKET_REGISTER16(SnTX_WR, 0x0024) // TX Write Pointer __SOCKET_REGISTER16(SnRX_RSR, 0x0026) // RX Free Size __SOCKET_REGISTER16(SnRX_RD, 0x0028) // RX Read Pointer __SOCKET_REGISTER16(SnRX_WR, 0x002A) // RX Write Pointer (supported?) #undef __SOCKET_REGISTER8 #undef __SOCKET_REGISTER16 #undef __SOCKET_REGISTER_N private: static uint8_t chip; static uint8_t ss_pin; static uint8_t softReset(void); static uint8_t isW5100(void); static uint8_t isW5200(void); static uint8_t isW5500(void); public: static uint8_t getChip(void) { return chip; } #ifdef ETHERNET_LARGE_BUFFERS static uint16_t SSIZE; static uint16_t SMASK; #else static const uint16_t SSIZE = 2048; static const uint16_t SMASK = 0x07FF; #endif static uint16_t SBASE(uint8_t socknum) { if (chip == 51) { return socknum * SSIZE + 0x4000; } else { return socknum * SSIZE + 0x8000; } } static uint16_t RBASE(uint8_t socknum) { if (chip == 51) { return socknum * SSIZE + 0x6000; } else { return socknum * SSIZE + 0xC000; } } static bool hasOffsetAddressMapping(void) { if (chip == 55) return true; return false; } static void setSS(uint8_t pin) { ss_pin = pin; } private: #if defined(__AVR__) static volatile uint8_t *ss_pin_reg; static uint8_t ss_pin_mask; inline static void initSS() { ss_pin_reg = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(ss_pin)); ss_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(ss_pin); pinMode(ss_pin, OUTPUT); } inline static void setSS() { *(ss_pin_reg) &= ~ss_pin_mask; } inline static void resetSS() { *(ss_pin_reg) |= ss_pin_mask; } #elif defined(__MK20DX128__) || defined(__MK20DX256__) || defined(__MK66FX1M0__) || defined(__MK64FX512__) static volatile uint8_t *ss_pin_reg; inline static void initSS() { ss_pin_reg = portOutputRegister(ss_pin); pinMode(ss_pin, OUTPUT); } inline static void setSS() { *(ss_pin_reg+256) = 1; } inline static void resetSS() { *(ss_pin_reg+128) = 1; } #elif defined(__MKL26Z64__) static volatile uint8_t *ss_pin_reg; static uint8_t ss_pin_mask; inline static void initSS() { ss_pin_reg = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(ss_pin)); ss_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(ss_pin); pinMode(ss_pin, OUTPUT); } inline static void setSS() { *(ss_pin_reg+8) = ss_pin_mask; } inline static void resetSS() { *(ss_pin_reg+4) = ss_pin_mask; } #elif defined(__SAM3X8E__) || defined(__SAM3A8C__) || defined(__SAM3A4C__) static volatile uint32_t *ss_pin_reg; static uint32_t ss_pin_mask; inline static void initSS() { ss_pin_reg = &(digitalPinToPort(ss_pin)->PIO_PER); ss_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(ss_pin); pinMode(ss_pin, OUTPUT); } inline static void setSS() { *(ss_pin_reg+13) = ss_pin_mask; } inline static void resetSS() { *(ss_pin_reg+12) = ss_pin_mask; } #elif defined(__PIC32MX__) static volatile uint32_t *ss_pin_reg; static uint32_t ss_pin_mask; inline static void initSS() { ss_pin_reg = portModeRegister(digitalPinToPort(ss_pin)); ss_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(ss_pin); pinMode(ss_pin, OUTPUT); } inline static void setSS() { *(ss_pin_reg+8+1) = ss_pin_mask; } inline static void resetSS() { *(ss_pin_reg+8+2) = ss_pin_mask; } #elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266) static volatile uint32_t *ss_pin_reg; static uint32_t ss_pin_mask; inline static void initSS() { ss_pin_reg = (volatile uint32_t*)GPO; ss_pin_mask = 1 << ss_pin; pinMode(ss_pin, OUTPUT); } inline static void setSS() { GPOC = ss_pin_mask; } inline static void resetSS() { GPOS = ss_pin_mask; } #elif defined(__SAMD21G18A__) static volatile uint32_t *ss_pin_reg; static uint32_t ss_pin_mask; inline static void initSS() { ss_pin_reg = portModeRegister(digitalPinToPort(ss_pin)); ss_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(ss_pin); pinMode(ss_pin, OUTPUT); } inline static void setSS() { *(ss_pin_reg+5) = ss_pin_mask; } inline static void resetSS() { *(ss_pin_reg+6) = ss_pin_mask; } #else inline static void initSS() { pinMode(ss_pin, OUTPUT); } inline static void setSS() { digitalWrite(ss_pin, LOW); } inline static void resetSS() { digitalWrite(ss_pin, HIGH); } #endif }; extern W5100Class W5100; #endif #ifndef UTIL_H #define UTIL_H #ifndef htons // The host order of the Arduino platform is little endian. // Sometimes it is desired to convert to big endian (or // network order) // Host to Network short #define htons(x) ( (((x)&0xFF)<<8) | (((x)>>8)&0xFF) ) // Network to Host short #define ntohs(x) htons(x) // Host to Network long #define htonl(x) ( ((x)<<24 & 0xFF000000UL) | \ ((x)<< 8 & 0x00FF0000UL) | \ ((x)>> 8 & 0x0000FF00UL) | \ ((x)>>24 & 0x000000FFUL) ) // Network to Host long #define ntohl(x) htonl(x) #endif // !defined(htons) #endif