/** * @file BlynkSimpleEthernetSSL.h * @author Volodymyr Shymanskyy * @license This project is released under the MIT License (MIT) * @copyright Copyright (c) 2018 Volodymyr Shymanskyy * @date Sep 2018 * @brief * */ #ifndef BlynkSimpleEthernetSSL_h #define BlynkSimpleEthernetSSL_h #ifndef BLYNK_INFO_CONNECTION #define BLYNK_INFO_CONNECTION "W5000" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #define BLYNK_USE_SSL #include static EthernetClient _blynkEthernetClient; static BearSSLClient _blynkEthernetClientSSL(_blynkEthernetClient); #if !defined(NO_GLOBAL_INSTANCES) && !defined(NO_GLOBAL_BLYNK) static BlynkArduinoClient _blynkTransport(_blynkEthernetClientSSL); BlynkEthernet Blynk(_blynkTransport); #else extern BlynkEthernet Blynk; #endif #include unsigned long ntpGetTime() { static const char timeServer[] = "time.nist.gov"; const int NTP_PACKET_SIZE = 48; // NTP time stamp is in the first 48 bytes of the message byte packetBuffer[NTP_PACKET_SIZE]; EthernetUDP Udp; Udp.begin(8888); // set all bytes in the buffer to 0 memset(packetBuffer, 0, NTP_PACKET_SIZE); // Initialize values needed to form NTP request // (see URL above for details on the packets) packetBuffer[0] = 0b11100011; // LI, Version, Mode packetBuffer[1] = 0; // Stratum, or type of clock packetBuffer[2] = 6; // Polling Interval packetBuffer[3] = 0xEC; // Peer Clock Precision // 8 bytes of zero for Root Delay & Root Dispersion packetBuffer[12] = 49; packetBuffer[13] = 0x4E; packetBuffer[14] = 49; packetBuffer[15] = 52; for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { // all NTP fields have been given values, now // you can send a packet requesting a timestamp: Udp.beginPacket(timeServer, 123); // NTP requests are to port 123 Udp.write(packetBuffer, NTP_PACKET_SIZE); Udp.endPacket(); millis_time_t started = BlynkMillis(); while (BlynkMillis() - started < 1000) { delay(100); if (Udp.parsePacket()) { // We've received a packet, read the data from it Udp.read(packetBuffer, NTP_PACKET_SIZE); // read the packet into the buffer // the timestamp starts at byte 40 of the received packet and is four bytes, // or two words, long. First, extract the two words: unsigned long highWord = word(packetBuffer[40], packetBuffer[41]); unsigned long lowWord = word(packetBuffer[42], packetBuffer[43]); // combine the four bytes (two words) into a long integer // this is NTP time (seconds since Jan 1 1900): unsigned long secsSince1900 = highWord << 16 | lowWord; //Serial.print("Seconds since Jan 1 1900 = "); //Serial.println(secsSince1900); // Unix time starts on Jan 1 1970. In seconds, that's 2208988800: const unsigned long seventyYears = 2208988800UL; // subtract seventy years: unsigned long epoch = secsSince1900 - seventyYears; // print Unix time: Serial.print("Unix time = "); Serial.println(epoch); return epoch; } } Serial.println("Retry NTP"); } Serial.println("NTP failed"); return 0; } #endif