// Bit Bang I2C library
// Copyright (c) 2018-2019 BitBank Software, Inc.
// Written by Larry Bank (bitbank@pobox.com)
// Project started 10/12/2018
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
#ifdef _LINUX_
#define PROGMEM
#define false 0
#define true 1
#define memcpy_P memcpy
#define INPUT 1
#define OUTPUT 2
// maps RPI pins to BCM GPIO numbers
const int iRPIPins[] = {-1,-1,-1,2,-1,3,-1,4,14,-1,
#else // Arduino
static uint8_t iSDAState = 1;
#ifndef __AVR_ATtiny85__
MbedI2C *pWire;
TwoWire *pWire = &Wire;
#ifdef W600_EV
#define VARIANT_MCK 80000000ul
#endif // _LINUX_
#include "BitBang_I2C.h"
static const char *szDeviceNames[] = {"Unknown","SSD1306","SH1106","VL53L0X","BMP180", "BMP280","BME280",
"MPU-60x0", "MPU-9250", "MCP9808","LSM6DS3", "ADXL345", "ADS1115","MAX44009",
"MAG3110", "CCS811", "HTS221", "LPS25H", "LSM9DS1","LM8330", "DS3231", "LIS3DH",
"LIS3DSH","INA219","SHT3X","HDC1080","MPU6886","BME680", "AXP202", "AXP192", "24AAXXXE64", "DS1307", "MPU688X", "FT6236G", "FT6336G", "FT6336U", "FT6436", "BM8563", "BNO055", "AHT20","TMF882X","SCD4X", "ST25DV", "LTR390", "BMP388"};
#if defined ( __AVR__ ) && !defined( ARDUINO_ARCH_MEGAAVR )
volatile uint8_t *iDDR_SCL, *iPort_SCL_Out;
volatile uint8_t *iDDR_SDA, *iPort_SDA_In, *iPort_SDA_Out;
uint8_t iSDABit, iSCLBit;
#ifdef FUTURE
//#else // must be a 32-bit MCU
volatile uint32_t *iDDR_SCL, *iPort_SCL_Out;
volatile uint32_t *iDDR_SDA, *iPort_SDA_In, *iPort_SDA_Out;
uint32_t iSDABit, iSCLBit;
#if defined ( __AVR__ ) && !defined( ARDUINO_ARCH_MEGAAVR )
uint8_t getPinInfo(uint8_t pin, volatile uint8_t **iDDR, volatile uint8_t **iPort, int bInput)
uint8_t port, bit;
port = (pin & 0xf0); // hex port (A,B,D,E,F)
bit = pin & 0x7;
switch (port)
#ifdef PORTE
case 0xE0:
*iPort = (bInput) ? &PINE : &PORTE;
*iDDR = &DDRE;
#ifdef PORTF
case 0xF0:
*iPort = (bInput) ? &PINF : &PORTF;
*iDDR = &DDRF;
#ifdef PORTG
case 0xA0: // really port G
*iPort = (bInput) ? &PING : &PORTG;
*iDDR = &DDRG;
#ifdef PORTC
case 0xC0:
*iPort = (bInput) ? &PINC : &PORTC;
*iDDR = &DDRC;
#ifdef PORTB
case 0xB0:
*iPort = (bInput) ? &PINB : &PORTB;
*iDDR = &DDRB;
#ifdef PORTD
case 0xD0:
*iPort = (bInput) ? &PIND : &PORTD;
*iDDR = &DDRD;
return bit;
} /* getPinInfo() */
//#else // 32-bit version
#ifdef FUTURE
uint32_t getPinInfo(uint8_t pin, volatile uint32_t **iDDR, volatile uint32_t **iPort, int bInput)
uint32_t port, bit;
if (pin <= 0xbf) // port 0
*iPort = (bInput) ? ®_PORT_IN0 : ®_PORT_OUT0;
*iDDR = ®_PORT_DIR0;
else if (pin <= 0xdf) // port 1
*iPort = (bInput) ? ®_PORT_IN1 : ®_PORT_OUT1;
*iDDR = ®_PORT_DIR1;
else return 0xffffffff; // invalid
bit = pin & 0x1f;
return bit;
} /* getPinInfo() */
#endif // __AVR__
inline uint8_t SDA_READ(uint8_t iSDA)
#if defined ( __AVR__ ) && !defined( ARDUINO_ARCH_MEGAAVR )
if (iSDA >= 0xa0) // direct pin numbering
if (*iPort_SDA_In & iSDABit)
return HIGH;
return LOW;
#ifndef __AVR_ATtiny85__
#ifdef W600_EV
return w600DigitalRead(iSDA);
#ifdef _LINUX_
return gpioRead(iSDA);
return digitalRead(iSDA);
#endif // _LINUX
return 0; // fall through?
inline void SCL_HIGH(uint8_t iSCL)
#if defined ( __AVR__ ) && !defined( ARDUINO_ARCH_MEGAAVR )
if (iSCL >= 0xa0) // direct pin numbering
*iDDR_SCL &= ~iSCLBit;
#ifndef __AVR_ATtiny85__
#ifdef W600_EV
w600PinMode(iSCL, GPIO_INPUT);
#ifdef _LINUX_
gpioSetMode(iSCL, PI_INPUT);
pinMode(iSCL, INPUT);
#endif // _LINUX_
inline void SCL_LOW(uint8_t iSCL)
#if defined ( __AVR__ ) && !defined( ARDUINO_ARCH_MEGAAVR )
if (iSCL >= 0xa0) // direct pin numbering
*iDDR_SCL |= iSCLBit;
#ifndef __AVR_ATtiny85__
#ifdef W600_EV
w600PinMode(iSCL, GPIO_OUTPUT);
w600DigitalWrite(iSCL, LOW);
#ifdef _LINUX_
gpioSetMode(iSCL, PI_OUTPUT);
pinMode(iSCL, OUTPUT);
#endif // _LINUX_
inline void SDA_HIGH(uint8_t iSDA)
#if defined ( __AVR__ ) && !defined( ARDUINO_ARCH_MEGAAVR )
if (iSDA >= 0xa0) // direct pin numbering
*iDDR_SDA &= ~iSDABit;
#ifndef __AVR_ATtiny85__
#ifdef W600_EV
w600PinMode(iSDA, GPIO_INPUT);
#ifdef _LINUX_
gpioSetMode(iSDA, PI_INPUT);
if (iSDAState == 0) {
pinMode(iSDA, INPUT);
iSDAState = 1;
#endif // _LINUX_
inline void SDA_LOW(uint8_t iSDA)
#if defined ( __AVR__ ) && !defined( ARDUINO_ARCH_MEGAAVR )
if (iSDA >= 0xa0) // direct pin numbering
*iDDR_SDA |= iSDABit;
#ifndef __AVR_ATtiny85__
#ifdef W600_EV
w600PinMode(iSDA, GPIO_OUTPUT);
w600DigitalWrite(iSDA, LOW);
#ifdef _LINUX_
gpioSetMode(iSDA, PI_OUTPUT);
if (iSDAState != 0) {
pinMode(iSDA, OUTPUT);
iSDAState = 0; // eliminate glitches
#endif // _LINUX_
void inline my_sleep_us(int iDelay)
#ifdef __AVR_ATtiny85__
iDelay *= 2;
while (iDelay)
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"nop" "\n\t"
"nop"); //just waiting 2 cycle
if (iDelay > 0)
#ifdef _LINUX_
#endif // _LINUX
} /* my_sleep_us() */
#ifndef __AVR_ATtiny85__
// Transmit a byte and read the ack bit
// if we get a NACK (negative acknowledge) return 0
// otherwise return 1 for success
static inline int i2cByteOut(BBI2C *pI2C, uint8_t b)
uint8_t i, ack;
uint8_t iSDA = pI2C->iSDA;
uint8_t iSCL = pI2C->iSCL; // in case of bad C compiler
int iDelay = pI2C->iDelay;
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
if (b & 0x80)
SDA_HIGH(iSDA); // set data line to 1
SDA_LOW(iSDA); // set data line to 0
SCL_HIGH(iSCL); // clock high (slave latches data)
SCL_LOW(iSCL); // clock low
b <<= 1;
} // for i
// read ack bit
SDA_HIGH(iSDA); // set data line for reading
SCL_HIGH(iSCL); // clock line high
my_sleep_us(iDelay); // DEBUG - delay/2
ack = SDA_READ(iSDA);
SCL_LOW(iSCL); // clock low
my_sleep_us(iDelay); // DEBUG - delay/2
SDA_LOW(iSDA); // data low
return (ack == 0) ? 1:0; // a low ACK bit means success
} /* i2cByteOut() */
#if defined ( __AVR__ ) && !defined( ARDUINO_ARCH_MEGAAVR )
#define SDA_LOW_AVR *iDDR_sda |= sdabit;
#define SDA_HIGH_AVR *iDDR_sda &= ~sdabit;
#define SCL_LOW_AVR *iDDR_scl |= sclbit;
#define SCL_HIGH_AVR *iDDR_scl &= ~sclbit;
#define SDA_READ_AVR (*iPort_SDA_In & sdabit)
static inline int i2cByteOutAVR(BBI2C *pI2C, uint8_t b)
uint8_t i, ack;
uint8_t *iDDR_sda = (uint8_t *)iDDR_SDA; // Put in local variables to avoid reading
uint8_t *iDDR_scl = (uint8_t *)iDDR_SCL; // from volatile pointer vars each time
uint8_t sdabit = iSDABit;
uint8_t sclbit = iSCLBit;
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
if (b & 0x80)
SDA_HIGH_AVR // set data line to 1
SDA_LOW_AVR // set data line to 0
SCL_HIGH_AVR // clock high (slave latches data)
SCL_LOW_AVR // clock low
b <<= 1;
} // for i
// read ack bit
SDA_HIGH_AVR // set data line for reading
SCL_HIGH_AVR // clock line high
// my_sleep_us(iDelay); // DEBUG - delay/2
SCL_LOW_AVR // clock low
// my_sleep_us(iDelay); // DEBUG - delay/2
SDA_LOW_AVR // data low
return (ack == 0) ? 1:0; // a low ACK bit means success
} /* i2cByteOutAVR() */
#define BOTH_LOW_FAST *iDDR = both_low;
#define BOTH_HIGH_FAST *iDDR = both_high;
#define SCL_HIGH_FAST *iDDR = scl_high;
#define SDA_HIGH_FAST *iDDR = sda_high;
#define SDA_READ_FAST *iDDR & iSDABit;
static inline int i2cByteOutAVRFast(BBI2C *pI2C, uint8_t b)
uint8_t i, ack;
uint8_t *iDDR = (uint8_t *)iDDR_SDA; // Put in local variables to avoid reading
uint8_t bOld = *iDDR; // current value
uint8_t both_low = bOld | iSDABit | iSCLBit;
uint8_t both_high = bOld & ~(iSDABit | iSCLBit);
uint8_t scl_high = (bOld | iSDABit) & ~iSCLBit;
uint8_t sda_high = (bOld | iSCLBit) & ~iSDABit;
BOTH_LOW_FAST // start with both lines set to 0
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
if (b & 0x80)
SDA_HIGH_FAST // set data line to 1
BOTH_HIGH_FAST // rising edge clocks data
else // more probable case (0) = shortest code path
SCL_HIGH_FAST // clock high (slave latches data)
BOTH_LOW_FAST // clock low
b <<= 1;
} // for i
// read ack bit
SDA_HIGH_FAST // set data line for reading
BOTH_HIGH_FAST // clock line high
my_sleep_us(pI2C->iDelay); // DEBUG - delay/2
BOTH_LOW_FAST // clock low
// my_sleep_us(pI2C->iDelay); // DEBUG - delay/2
// SDA_LOW_AVR // data low
return (ack == 0) ? 1:0; // a low ACK bit means success
} /* i2cByteOutAVR() */
#endif // __AVR__
#ifndef __AVR_ATtiny85__
static inline int i2cByteOutFast(BBI2C *pI2C, uint8_t b)
uint8_t i, ack, iSDA, iSCL;
int iDelay;
iSDA = pI2C->iSDA;
iSCL = pI2C->iSCL;
iDelay = pI2C->iDelay;
if (b & 0x80)
SDA_HIGH(iSDA); // set data line to 1
SDA_LOW(iSDA); // set data line to 0
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
SCL_HIGH(iSCL); // clock high (slave latches data)
SCL_LOW(iSCL); // clock low
} // for i
// read ack bit
SDA_HIGH(iSDA); // set data line for reading
SCL_HIGH(iSCL); // clock line high
my_sleep_us(pI2C->iDelay); // DEBUG - delay/2
ack = SDA_READ(iSDA);
SCL_LOW(iSCL); // clock low
my_sleep_us(pI2C->iDelay); // DEBUG - delay/2
SDA_LOW(iSDA); // data low
return (ack == 0) ? 1:0; // a low ACK bit means success
} /* i2cByteOutFast() */
// Receive a byte and read the ack bit
// if we get a NACK (negative acknowledge) return 0
// otherwise return 1 for success
static inline uint8_t i2cByteIn(BBI2C *pI2C, uint8_t bLast)
uint8_t i;
uint8_t b = 0;
SDA_HIGH(pI2C->iSDA); // set data line as input
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
my_sleep_us(pI2C->iDelay); // wait for data to settle
SCL_HIGH(pI2C->iSCL); // clock high (slave latches data)
b <<= 1;
if (SDA_READ(pI2C->iSDA) != 0) // read the data bit
b |= 1; // set data bit
SCL_LOW(pI2C->iSCL); // cloc low
} // for i
if (bLast)
SDA_HIGH(pI2C->iSDA); // last byte sends a NACK
SCL_HIGH(pI2C->iSCL); // clock high
SCL_LOW(pI2C->iSCL); // clock low to send ack
SDA_LOW(pI2C->iSDA); // data low
return b;
} /* i2cByteIn() */
// Send I2C STOP condition
static inline void i2cEnd(BBI2C *pI2C)
SDA_LOW(pI2C->iSDA); // data line low
SCL_HIGH(pI2C->iSCL); // clock high
SDA_HIGH(pI2C->iSDA); // data high
} /* i2cEnd() */
static inline int i2cBegin(BBI2C *pI2C, uint8_t addr, uint8_t bRead)
int rc;
SDA_LOW(pI2C->iSDA); // data line low first
SCL_LOW(pI2C->iSCL); // then clock line low is a START signal
addr <<= 1;
if (bRead)
addr++; // set read bit
#ifdef __AVR_ATtiny85__
rc = i2cByteOutAVR(pI2C, addr);
rc = i2cByteOut(pI2C, addr); // send the slave address and R/W bit
return rc;
} /* i2cBegin() */
static inline int i2cWrite(BBI2C *pI2C, uint8_t *pData, int iLen)
uint8_t b;
int rc, iOldLen = iLen;
rc = 1;
while (iLen && rc == 1)
b = *pData++;
#ifdef __AVR_ATtiny85__
rc = i2cByteOutAVRFast(pI2C, b);
#if defined ( __AVR__ ) && !defined( ARDUINO_ARCH_MEGAAVR )
if (pI2C->iSDA >= 0xa0)
rc = i2cByteOutAVRFast(pI2C, b);
if (b == 0xff || b == 0)
rc = i2cByteOutFast(pI2C, b); // speed it up a bit more if all bits are ==
rc = i2cByteOut(pI2C, b);
if (rc == 1) // success
} // for each byte
return (rc == 1) ? (iOldLen - iLen) : 0; // 0 indicates bad ack from sending a byte
} /* i2cWrite() */
static inline void i2cRead(BBI2C *pI2C, uint8_t *pData, int iLen)
while (iLen--)
*pData++ = i2cByteIn(pI2C, iLen == 0);
} // for each byte
} /* i2cRead() */
// Return the device's name
void I2CGetDeviceName(int iDevice, char *szName)
if (iDevice >= 0 && iDevice < DEVICE_COUNT) {
strcpy(szName, szDeviceNames[iDevice]);
} /* I2CGetDeviceName() */
// Initialize the I2C BitBang library
// Pass the pin numbers used for SDA and SCL
// as well as the clock rate in Hz
void I2CInit(BBI2C *pI2C, uint32_t iClock)
#ifdef _LINUX_
if (gpioInitialise() < 0)
printf("pigpio failed to initialize\n");
if (pI2C == NULL) return;
if (pI2C->bWire) // use Wire library
#if !defined( _LINUX_ ) && !defined( __AVR_ATtiny85__ )
#if defined(TEENSYDUINO) || defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_MBED) || defined( __AVR__ ) || defined( NRF52 ) || defined ( ARDUINO_ARCH_NRF52840 ) || defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_NRF52) || defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_SAM)
// Mbed Cortex-M MCUs can set I2C on custom pins
if (pI2C->iSDA != 0xff) {
pWire = new MbedI2C((int)pI2C->iSDA, (int)pI2C->iSCL);
if (pI2C->iSDA == 0xff || pI2C->iSCL == 0xff) {
} else {
pWire->begin((int)pI2C->iSDA, (int)pI2C->iSCL);
// pWire->setTimeout(20000L); // set a timeout of 20ms
#ifdef _LINUX_
char filename[32];
sprintf(filename, "/dev/i2c-%d", pI2C->iBus);
if ((pI2C->file_i2c = open(filename, O_RDWR)) < 0)
#endif // _LINUX_
if (pI2C->iSDA < 0xa0)
#if !defined ( __AVR_ATtiny85__ ) && !defined( _LINUX_ )
#ifdef W600_EV
w600PinMode(pI2C->iSDA, GPIO_OUTPUT);
w600PinMode(pI2C->iSCL, GPIO_OUTPUT);
w600DigitalWrite(pI2C->iSDA, LOW); // setting low = enabling as outputs
w600DigitalWrite(pI2C->iSCL, LOW);
w600PinMode(pI2C->iSDA, GPIO_INPUT); // let the lines float (tri-state)
w600PinMode(pI2C->iSCL, GPIO_INPUT);
#else // generic
pinMode(pI2C->iSDA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pI2C->iSCL, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pI2C->iSDA, LOW); // setting low = enabling as outputs
digitalWrite(pI2C->iSCL, LOW);
pinMode(pI2C->iSDA, INPUT); // let the lines float (tri-state)
pinMode(pI2C->iSCL, INPUT);
#ifdef _LINUX_
// use PIGPIO
// convert pin numbers to BCM numbers for PIGPIO
pI2C->iSDA = iRPIPins[pI2C->iSDA];
pI2C->iSCL = iRPIPins[pI2C->iSCL];
gpioWrite(pI2C->iSDA, 0);
gpioWrite(pI2C->iSCL, 0);
gpioSetMode(pI2C->iSDA, PI_INPUT);
// gpioSetPullUpDown(pI2C->iSDA, PI_PUD_UP);
gpioSetMode(pI2C->iSCL, PI_INPUT);
// gpioSetPullUpDown(pI2C->iSCL, PI_PUD_UP);
#endif // _LINUX_
#if defined ( __AVR__ ) && !defined( ARDUINO_ARCH_MEGAAVR )
else // direct pin mode, get port address and bit
// iSDABit = 1 << (pI2C->iSDA & 0x7);
iSDABit = 1 << getPinInfo(pI2C->iSDA, &iDDR_SDA, &iPort_SDA_Out, 0);
getPinInfo(pI2C->iSDA, &iDDR_SDA, &iPort_SDA_In, 1);
// iSCLBit = 1 << (pI2C->iSCL & 0x7);
iSCLBit = 1 << getPinInfo(pI2C->iSCL, &iDDR_SCL, &iPort_SCL_Out, 0);
*iDDR_SDA &= ~iSDABit; // pinMode input
*iDDR_SCL &= ~iSCLBit; // pinMode input
*iPort_SDA_Out &= ~iSDABit; // digitalWrite SDA LOW
*iPort_SCL_Out &= ~iSCLBit; // digitalWrite SCL LOW
#endif // __AVR__
// For now, we only support 100, 400 or 800K clock rates
// all other values default to 100K
#ifdef _LINUX_
pI2C->iDelay = 1000000 / iClock;
if (pI2C->iDelay < 1) pI2C->iDelay = 1;
if (iClock >= 1000000)
pI2C->iDelay = 0; // the code execution is enough delay
else if (iClock >= 800000)
pI2C->iDelay = 1;
else if (iClock >= 400000)
pI2C->iDelay = 2;
else if (iClock >= 100000)
pI2C->iDelay = 10;
else pI2C->iDelay = (uint16_t)(1000000 / iClock);
#endif // _LINUX_
} /* i2cInit() */
// Test a specific I2C address to see if a device responds
// returns 0 for no response, 1 for a response
uint8_t I2CTest(BBI2C *pI2C, uint8_t addr)
uint8_t response = 0;
if (pI2C->bWire)
#if !defined( _LINUX_ ) && !defined( __AVR_ATtiny85__ )
// We use the return value of
// the Write.endTransmisstion to see if
// a device did acknowledge to the address.
response = !pWire->endTransmission();
#ifdef _LINUX_
if (ioctl(pI2C->file_i2c, I2C_SLAVE, addr) >= 0) {
// probe this address
uint8_t ucTemp;
if (read(pI2C->file_i2c, &ucTemp, 1) >= 0)
response = 1;
return response;
if (i2cBegin(pI2C, addr, 0)) // try to write to the given address
response = 1;
return response;
} /* I2CTest() */
// Scans for I2C devices on the bus
// returns a bitmap of devices which are present (128 bits = 16 bytes, LSB first)
// A set bit indicates that a device responded at that address
void I2CScan(BBI2C *pI2C, uint8_t *pMap)
int i;
for (i=0; i<16; i++) // clear the bitmap
pMap[i] = 0;
for (i=1; i<128; i++) // try every address
if (I2CTest(pI2C, i))
pMap[i >> 3] |= (1 << (i & 7));
} /* I2CScan() */
// Write I2C data
// quits if a NACK is received and returns 0
// otherwise returns the number of bytes written
int I2CWrite(BBI2C *pI2C, uint8_t iAddr, uint8_t *pData, int iLen)
int rc = 0;
if (pI2C->bWire)
#if !defined ( _LINUX_ ) && !defined( __AVR_ATtiny85__ )
pWire->write(pData, (uint8_t)iLen);
rc = !pWire->endTransmission();
#ifdef _LINUX_
if (ioctl(pI2C->file_i2c, I2C_SLAVE, iAddr) >= 0)
if (write(pI2C->file_i2c, pData, iLen) >= 0)
rc = 1;
#endif // _LINUX_
return rc;
rc = i2cBegin(pI2C, iAddr, 0);
if (rc == 1) // slave sent ACK for its address
rc = i2cWrite(pI2C, pData, iLen);
return rc; // returns the number of bytes sent or 0 for error
} /* I2CWrite() */
// Read N bytes starting at a specific I2C internal register
// returns 1 for success, 0 for error
int I2CReadRegister(BBI2C *pI2C, uint8_t iAddr, uint8_t u8Register, uint8_t *pData, int iLen)
int rc;
if (pI2C->bWire) // use the wire library
int i = 0;
#if !defined( _LINUX_ ) && !defined( __AVR_ATtiny85__ )
pWire->requestFrom(iAddr, (uint8_t)iLen);
while (i < iLen)
pData[i++] = pWire->read();
#ifdef _LINUX_
if (ioctl(pI2C->file_i2c, I2C_SLAVE, iAddr) >= 0)
write(pI2C->file_i2c, &u8Register, 1);
i = read(pI2C->file_i2c, pData, iLen);
#endif // _LINUX_
return (i > 0);
rc = i2cBegin(pI2C, iAddr, 0); // start a write operation
if (rc == 1) // slave sent ACK for its address
rc = i2cWrite(pI2C, &u8Register, 1); // write the register we want to read from
if (rc == 1)
rc = i2cBegin(pI2C, iAddr, 1); // start a read operation
if (rc == 1)
i2cRead(pI2C, pData, iLen);
return rc; // returns 1 for success, 0 for error
} /* I2CReadRegister() */
// Read N bytes
int I2CRead(BBI2C *pI2C, uint8_t iAddr, uint8_t *pData, int iLen)
int rc;
if (pI2C->bWire) // use the wire library
int i = 0;
#if !defined( _LINUX_ ) && !defined( __AVR_ATtiny85__ )
pWire->requestFrom(iAddr, (uint8_t)iLen);
while (i < iLen)
pData[i++] = pWire->read();
#ifdef _LINUX_
if (ioctl(pI2C->file_i2c, I2C_SLAVE, iAddr) >= 0)
i = read(pI2C->file_i2c, pData, iLen);
#endif // _LINUX_
return (i > 0);
rc = i2cBegin(pI2C, iAddr, 1);
if (rc == 1) // slave sent ACK for its address
i2cRead(pI2C, pData, iLen);
return rc; // returns 1 for success, 0 for error
} /* I2CRead() */
// Figure out what device is at that address
// returns the enumerated value
int I2CDiscoverDevice(BBI2C *pI2C, uint8_t i, uint32_t *pCapabilities)
uint8_t j, cTemp[8];
int iDevice = DEVICE_UNKNOWN;
if (i == 0x28 || i == 0x29) // Probably a Bosch BNO055
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x00, cTemp, 1); // CHIP_ID register
if (cTemp[0] == 0xa0) {
return DEVICE_BNO055;
if (i == 0x3c || i == 0x3d) // Probably an OLED display
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x00, cTemp, 1);
cTemp[0] &= 0xbf; // mask off power on/off bit
if (cTemp[0] == 0x8) // SH1106
iDevice = DEVICE_SH1106;
else if (cTemp[0] == 3 || cTemp[0] == 6)
iDevice = DEVICE_SSD1306;
if (iDevice != DEVICE_UNKNOWN)
*pCapabilities = DEVICE_CAP_DISPLAY_1BPP;
return iDevice;
if (i == 0x34 || i == 0x35) // Probably an AXP202/AXP192 PMU chip
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x03, cTemp, 1); // chip ID
if (cTemp[0] == 0x41)
iDevice = DEVICE_AXP202;
else if (cTemp[0] == 0x03)
iDevice = DEVICE_AXP192;
if (iDevice != DEVICE_UNKNOWN)
*pCapabilities = DEVICE_CAP_POWER_MGMT;
return iDevice;
if (i == 0x38) // Probably a FT6236G/FT6336G/FT6336U/FT6436 touch screen controller chip
{ // - likely 0x39 address valid as well but no test HW to verify
// first check for AHT20 Temp+Humid sensor
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x71, cTemp, 1); // status word
if ((cTemp[0] & 0x7f) == 0x18 || (cTemp[0] & 0x7f) == 0x1c) { // yes, it's the AHT20
return DEVICE_AHT20;
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0xA0, cTemp, 1); // chip ID
if (cTemp[0] == 0x00)
iDevice = DEVICE_FT6236G;
else if (cTemp[0] == 0x01)
iDevice = DEVICE_FT6336G;
else if (cTemp[0] == 0x02)
iDevice = DEVICE_FT6336U;
else if (cTemp[0] == 0x03)
iDevice = DEVICE_FT6436;
if (iDevice != DEVICE_UNKNOWN)
*pCapabilities = DEVICE_CAP_TOUCH_CTRL;
return iDevice;
if (i >= 0x40 && i <= 0x4f) // check for TI INA219 power measurement sensor
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x00, cTemp, 2);
if (cTemp[0] == 0x39 && cTemp[1] == 0x9f) {
return DEVICE_INA219;
if (i == 0x41) // check for AMS TMF882X TOF sensor
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0xE3, cTemp, 1); // Read ID
if ((cTemp[0] & 0x3f) == 8) {
return DEVICE_TMF882X;
if (i == 0x44 || i == 0x45) // check for SHT3X temp/humidity sensor
cTemp[0] = 0xf3; cTemp[1] = 0x2d; // read status command
I2CWrite(pI2C, i, cTemp, 2);
I2CRead(pI2C, i, cTemp, 3); // read status bits
if ((cTemp[1] & 0x10) == 0x10) // reset bit set
return DEVICE_SHT3X;
// Check for Microchip 24AAXXXE64 family serial 2 Kbit EEPROM
if (i >= 0x50 && i <= 0x57) {
uint32_t u32Temp = 0;
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0xf8, (uint8_t *)&u32Temp,
3); // check for Microchip's OUI
if (u32Temp == 0x000004a3 || u32Temp == 0x00001ec0 ||
u32Temp == 0x00d88039 || u32Temp == 0x005410ec) {
*pCapabilities = DEVICE_CAP_EEPROM;
return DEVICE_24AAXXXE64;
if (i == 0x51) // Probably a BM8563 RTC
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x00, cTemp, 1); // Command/Status register 1
// Serial.print("CSR1REG(0x00): ");
// Serial.println(cTemp[0], HEX);
if ((cTemp[0] & 0xDF) == 0x00) // all bits clear in Normal, ignore BIT5(STOP)
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x01, cTemp, 1); // Command/Status register 2
// Serial.print("CSR2REG(0x01): ");
// Serial.println(cTemp[0], HEX);
if ((cTemp[0] & 0xE0) == 0x00) // BIT5-7 always clear
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x02, cTemp, 1); // seconds register
// Serial.print("SECREG(0x02): ");
// Serial.println(cTemp[0], HEX);
if ((cTemp[0] & 0x80) == 0x00) { // BIT7(VL) clear if PWRON
*pCapabilities = DEVICE_CAP_RTC;
return DEVICE_BM8563;
if (i == 0x53) // could be Lite-On LTR390 UV light sensor
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x06, cTemp, 1); // Part ID
if (cTemp[0] == 0xb2) { // a match!
return DEVICE_LTR390;
if (i == 0x57) // could be the ST25DV NFC transeiver
cTemp[0] = 0; cTemp[1] = 0x17; // 16-bit register address
I2CWrite(pI2C, i, cTemp, 2);
I2CRead(pI2C, i, cTemp, 1);
if (cTemp[0] >= 0x24 && cTemp[0] <= 0x26) {
*pCapabilities = DEVICE_CAP_NFC;
return DEVICE_ST25DV;
// else if (i == 0x5b) // MLX90615?
// {
// I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x10, cTemp, 3);
// for (j=0; j<3; j++) Serial.println(cTemp[j], HEX);
// }
// try to identify it from the known devices using register contents
// Check for TI HDC1080
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0xff, cTemp, 2);
if (cTemp[0] == 0x10 && cTemp[1] == 0x50) {
return DEVICE_HDC1080;
// Check for BME680
if (i == 0x76 || i == 0x77)
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0xd0, cTemp, 1); // chip ID
if (cTemp[0] == 0x61) { // BME680
return DEVICE_BME680;
// Check for VL53L0X
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0xc0, cTemp, 3);
if (cTemp[0] == 0xee && cTemp[1] == 0xaa && cTemp[2] == 0x10) {
return DEVICE_VL53L0X;
// Check for CCS811
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x20, cTemp, 1);
if (cTemp[0] == 0x81) { // Device ID
*pCapabilities = DEVICE_CAP_GAS_VOCS;
return DEVICE_CCS811;
// Check for LIS3DSH accelerometer from STMicro
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x0f, cTemp, 1);
if (cTemp[0] == 0x3f) { // WHO_AM_I
// Check for LIS3DH accelerometer from STMicro
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x0f, cTemp, 1);
if (cTemp[0] == 0x33) { // WHO_AM_I
// Check for LSM9DS1 magnetometer/gyro/accel sensor from STMicro
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x0f, cTemp, 1);
if (cTemp[0] == 0x68) { // WHO_AM_I
return DEVICE_LSM9DS1;
// Check for LPS25H pressure sensor from STMicro
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x0f, cTemp, 1);
if (cTemp[0] == 0xbd) { // WHO_AM_I
*pCapabilities = DEVICE_CAP_PRESSURE;
return DEVICE_LPS25H;
// Check for HTS221 temp/humidity sensor from STMicro
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x0f, cTemp, 1);
if (cTemp[0] == 0xbc) { // WHO_AM_I
return DEVICE_HTS221;
// Check for MAG3110
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x07, cTemp, 1);
if (cTemp[0] == 0xc4) { // WHO_AM_I
return DEVICE_MAG3110;
// Check for LM8330 keyboard controller
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x80, cTemp, 2);
if (cTemp[0] == 0x0 && cTemp[1] == 0x84) { // manufacturer code + software revision
*pCapabilities = DEVICE_CAP_KEYBOARD;
return DEVICE_LM8330;
// Check for MAX44009
if (i == 0x4a || i == 0x4b)
for (j=0; j<8; j++)
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, j, &cTemp[j], 1); // check for power-up reset state of registers
if ((cTemp[2] == 3 || cTemp[2] == 2) && cTemp[6] == 0 && cTemp[7] == 0xff) {
return DEVICE_MAX44009;
// Check for ADS1115
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x02, cTemp, 2); // Lo_thresh defaults to 0x8000
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x03, &cTemp[2], 2); // Hi_thresh defaults to 0x7fff
if (cTemp[0] == 0x80 && cTemp[1] == 0x00 && cTemp[2] == 0x7f && cTemp[3] == 0xff) {
*pCapabilities = DEVICE_CAP_ADC;
return DEVICE_ADS1115;
// Check for MCP9808
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x06, cTemp, 2); // manufacturer ID && get device ID/revision
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x07, &cTemp[2], 2); // need to read them individually
if (cTemp[0] == 0 && cTemp[1] == 0x54 && cTemp[2] == 0x04 && cTemp[3] == 0x00) {
return DEVICE_MCP9808;
// Check for SCD4x CO2 sensors
if (i == 0x62) {
// DEBUG - for now, assume it's the SCD4x
*pCapabilities = DEVICE_CAP_GAS_CO2;
return DEVICE_SCD4X;
// Check for BMP280/BME280
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0xd0, cTemp, 1);
if (cTemp[0] == 0x55) // BMP180
iDevice = DEVICE_BMP180;
else if (cTemp[0] == 0x58)
iDevice = DEVICE_BMP280;
else if (cTemp[0] == 0x60) // BME280
iDevice = DEVICE_BME280;
if (iDevice != DEVICE_UNKNOWN) {
return iDevice;
// Check for BMP388
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x00, cTemp, 1); // CHIP_ID
if (cTemp[0] == 0x50) { // BMP388
iDevice = DEVICE_BMP388;
return iDevice;
// Check for LSM6DS3
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x0f, cTemp, 1); // WHO_AM_I
if (cTemp[0] == 0x69) {
return DEVICE_LSM6DS3;
// Check for ADXL345
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x00, cTemp, 1); // DEVID
if (cTemp[0] == 0xe5) {
return DEVICE_ADXL345;
// Check for MPU-6886
if (i == 0x68 || i == 0x69)
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x75, cTemp, 1); // WHO_AM_I
if (cTemp[0] == 0x19) {
return DEVICE_MPU6886;
// Check for MPU-60x0i, MPU-688X (not MPU-6886) and MPU-9250
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x75, cTemp, 1);
if (cTemp[0] == (i & 0xfe)) { // Current I2C address (low bit set to 0)
return DEVICE_MPU6000;
} else if (cTemp[0] == 0x71) {
return DEVICE_MPU9250;
} else if (cTemp[0] == 0x19) {
return DEVICE_MPU688X;
// Check for DS3231 RTC
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x0e, cTemp, 1); // read the control register
if (i == 0x68 && cTemp[0] == 0x1c) { // fixed I2C address and power on reset value
*pCapabilities = DEVICE_CAP_RTC;
return DEVICE_DS3231;
// Check for DS1307 RTC
I2CReadRegister(pI2C, i, 0x07, cTemp, 1); // read the control register
if (i == 0x68 && cTemp[0] == 0x03) { // fixed I2C address and power on reset value
*pCapabilities = DEVICE_CAP_RTC;
return DEVICE_DS1307;
return iDevice;
} /* I2CDiscoverDevice() */